New Eyes!

New eyes!!! January 14, 2009

Yea!!! The second of my two eye procedures was done this morning. Tom and I had to get to the office at 6:00a.m., which meant we had to leave our house at 5:30, which meant we had to get up at 5:00a.m. !!! I actually woke up at 4, anticipating the alarm going off soon and not wanting to oversleep. We got there, they called us over to sign more papers, then it was my name being called to step on back. After a routine blood pressure test, temperature reading and a few more questions, I was ready for my cot for the next few hours. The actual procedure is not so bad in itself, my thing is IV`s. I do not like anything to do with them. I usually can endure the pain if I am squeezing someone else`s hand but now here I am, all alone, except for the nurse, with no one to squeeze. Last week, true to my fears, it took three times to get to the stupid vein. So I was no thinking it would be any different today. It was a specific prayer of mine before I went this morning. Guess what? The nurse got it in the very first time. Hopefully it will not leave a huge black bruise like last week, but even if it does, no problem............ it will be the last one!!!This has truly been a miracle from start to finish. Tom worked really hard to make this happen for me and I love him so much for doing it. I feel like God picked out the very best Dr. to lead me to, Dr. Kloess. He is a great Doctor that I will forever be grateful to. God has been so good to me and I feel like a new person, seeing everything through new eyes. So, no more glasses for me. When I get through this next week, 7 days, of eye drops and night patches, I will not be taking my sight for granite ever again!! Just be glad you don`t have to see me at night with the patch on, it is a scary sight!!!Have a great week!! Jane

Happy 1st birthday Heston!


Merry Christmas 2008