Instagram gold nuggets

I have been trying to keep up with social media, as best I can. I have a twitter account, but do not use it. I created an instagram for me several years ago and I do use it and enjoy scanning through it to see other posts. Mostly, the pictures draw me in to the posts. I have found some great pages to follow and keep up with as well as friends and family updates and pictures that I enjoy. I have seen this particular account, beautiful pictures, and inspirational postings and I usually like them and move on after I read them. But this morning, as I sit down to play on my phone and check emails before my quiet time, I am drawn to Soulscript once again... So I "LIKE"  her post for today then go to her home page and spend some time reading recent posts and scriptures and quotes. Oh my goodness.... Just realized how God is using instagram for His purpose and glory.. People my be reading these post who don`t even go to church. People are being  reached for Him, through these beautiful posts that  Soulscripts is putting up here each day. I love the inspirational quotes that she uses. Some are simple, but then she goes on and talks about how they apply to everyday life or a particular trial you are going through. 1 "Live extraordinary, embrace the gifts of life, joy, grace and love""God can soothe us with His words, He can send reinforcements through His people and He can provide answers to our prayers.""You are made worthy, you are called beloved in the blood of Christ.""Perhaps this is the moment for which you were called. " Esther 4:14"Be still and know that I am God." PS. 46:10"All that we are is based in love""We are rooted and established in  love." Eph 3:17"What if I looked to Jesus and sat in awe of Him with unbroken focus and excitement the same way I do as I watch a football game?" Yes, I am glad that I have found Soulscripts. She is like a little gold nugget, a special gift, found in the midst of posts and pictures that  are important too, but today, He spoke through her to me.. Her words are a great reminder that God is with us always.. He speaks to us, right where we are right now... A reminder for me.. to seek Him first in all things....I hope you have a wonderful new day and I hope you can find Soulscript and enjoy her posts too.Love,Jane 


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Lifebook2015 Lesson 28