Creating flowers

1aa111This week in our lifebook2016 lesson, I learned a new process. First, we just took random paint and covered a blank canvas sheet, just to get color and not white showing...1aa11Next, you just pop some color with a larger brush  in the areas where the flowers will be, no shape here at this point, just colors grouped together1aa1This was fun to watch as it started to take shape and you could see the definition of the vase. Used gesso, and aqua and limes to fill in the bottom of the picture around the vase.1aaThen to go back and highlight and define the flowers.... and it is done.. I think I may try this process again one day....Pauline Agnew was the artist that shared her talents this week at Lifebook2016Linked with Sunday Sketches today. Go check out the other art posts!!Have a great new week!LoveJane


Gesso girl


Blessed with freckles