It`s Friday but Sundays coming!
Tomorrow is Good Friday, the start of our Easter weekend celebration. It is the day we remember when Christ was crucified on the cross..... but thankfully, that is not the end of the story.... Sunday is coming and He has risen!! In anticipation of Easter and having the family over, I went looking for my Easter box.The first problem with that, was that I had actually forgotten where I put it! LOL... my life story these days.... anyway after I had looked for quite some time, I pulled down the last box on top of the shelf, and there they were. My Easter treasures..I pulled out the first thing and it was this hand stitched bunny picture that Mother had done. She loved to make things, and thankfully, I have many of these pictures for each season that she made me. Then I pulled out some of her old yarn that she used in so many of her projects. Some were full balls of yarn and some were just little small ones. I had found a picture last year on pinterest and made these little baskets out of some of them.
I gathered some of her old lace that I had saved.
and pulled out some thick rafia and spanish moss
Then put them all together with some little Easter bunnies and eggs that I picked up at Hobby Lobby..
I love them for so many reasons. I love that they represent the Easter season and new life... I love them because they remind me of my sweet Mother. She would have loved to have helped me make them. But now, she would have loved that I used her things to make them and recycle ... Memories.... you have to love them! I remember so vividly her telling me so many times, if anything ever happened to her, she was leaving her "Craft" room to me cause no one else would appreciate all her treasures! Haha!! And she was right. I went through each and every thing she had collected down there, and tried to find homes for each of them. Of course, I brought back to my home way more than I needed or had room for.When I can find things like this to make with her things, I am glad that I didn`t throw it all away!! Now on to the cooking!!Have a wonderful Easter weekend.!!Love,Jane