My friend, JoAnne
I love to watch journeys with my friends, to actually see how they play out and how God is using them in new seasons. Let me go back about 16 years ago, when I signed up my daughter, then 4th grader, for afternoon art lessons with the art teacher at her school. It was quite the experience.. We got to the school early, I mean very early, about 6:00am. to get in line and get our numbers so we would be sure to get a place for the day and time we wanted our child to be in. While signing her up for her spot, I notice that there is a sheet for an adult class. Thursday afternoons. So, I signed up and haven`t looked back since that Saturday, as I continue to sign up each year. Hah!! seems funny now to look back at how we did that because today, her son-in-law, has helped her to get all techy!! We can actually sign up on line!! My daughter grew up and stopped taking art, but I stayed on with Joanne. Many of the same people who were there that first year with me, are still there. Many new ones have come and gone, but we who are still there, have been blessed beyond belief. Our art class has become our small group. We laugh together. We pray when there is a need. We cried with each other as one by one, many of us lost our mothers. We rejoiced when one of our children got married and then, the best part, we were so proud as one by one, we became grandmothers!! Many babies have been born in those years together!! It has gone way past being just an art lesson we go to each week, thanks to our fearless leader and friend, JoAnne. We all knew Joanne was very talented. We would see her paintings, every once in a while when she did something for a special order. She never bragged on her art, and did many things we probably didn`t see over the years, but we sure praised the things we saw. She is awesomely talented. This year, as school schedules have changed, it has given her some free time that she is already anticipating, as she starts her own painting time now. In the middle of this, as God would have it, with His timing, she took one of her extra bedrooms and turned it into her art studio.! You have never seen a bigger or prettier smile on anyone as she had, the day she told us about "her" special art room that she was putting together... Her girls have been gone for years, but she always left their rooms the same, so the grandchildren would have a place to stay. When her daughters actually suggested she do this, that was all it took. She found the most beautiful chandelier for her room from a local trading group and many other new finds from garage sells that she faithfully goes to with her girls. She has even had time to work on her dream of writing and illustrating children`s books.
So, last week, my fellow art friend, Lisa, and I went over to check out this new room and to see what she had been doing with all of this "summer" time, she now had. In between activities, and grandchildren and family, she had carved out two whole days to herself !!! She has painted up a storm, these absolutely gorgeous angels in clouds.
She did this gorgeous church also...She is in the process of getting all techy with her art pages but in the mean time, you can follow her on facebook... watch for news... about her art adventure! What a pleasure to do life with you, JoAnne!!!Have a great new week!Love,Jane