Patches of Joy

I think I will never tire from finding these little reminders around the house. It has been 6 years this month, since we got the news of Mother having pancreatic cancer. We tried to get as much life into those next 5 months as we possibly could. And it worked until her frail body just wore out and she went to live with Jesus, after her quick battle here on earth..I have talked about before, of all the things we couldn`t give away, and we did give lots away, but some special things and many many books, I have all around my house. So you see, these little gifts, could literally come any time in my lifetime. These books that I have of hers, she loved so much. She loved to read. She loved to underline things in her books and that is what I treasure when I pick up one of her books and find. Today, this "Patches of Joy" book found its way to my lap. I was just going to glance at it for a minute before I rushed to do something else, but as I opened it and starting flipping pages, I could see index cards, torn in half, that were marking some pages in there. One of them was on a page titled, "Hair Plastered with Grape Jelly" It is a short two pages but talks about her idea of a perfect day, and it would include a full night`s sleep, the toilet not to have over run, only 1 load of diapers left to do, and oh yes, when she is able to go to the grocery store without "grape jelly" in her hair!!Her pastor`s wife talks about her perfect day starting off with an appointment with God. If she did not show up for that at the same time each day, she might not be able to find the time during the day..  Are we wrong to blame God if our day turns out less than perfect, if we did not start the day talking to Him?   Every day has its flat tires and road bumps but our ride becomes smoother when we start the day with God. So, the author incorporated for her own perfect day. It starts out with her appointment with God, but then she adds, "It always includes a conscious effort to help someone else have a perfect day."then... this is the part that Mother has underlined...."Ways to help others have a good day,"

  1. you can listen with excited curiosity instead of a shrug of indifference
  2. you can show sincere delight over their successes instead of wallowing in jealousy
  3. you can exclaim over something of beauty rather than comment on an unhappy thought
  4. you can exhibit trust and faith in them instead of planting a seed of doubt or suspicion

UntitledAll we need to do to have our perfect day is to heed the words of Jesus when He says, "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."She could have written those things down in the book. She did not need to underline them, because you see, she always made that conscious effort to think of others and help them have a great day. That was her life story...In reading the words, what a great reminder that we do not need to make an appointment for God to be with us.... He is always with us, it is the appointment we need for us, to be there for Him and talk...Choose Joy.... patches of Joy.... and your day will not be perfect, but almost... and remember to make it a special day for others by simple acts of kindness.. Thank you Lord, for these continued memories and reminders, that I have from You, through Mothers treasures, that I could not give away and will always keep...Have a great rest of the day!!Love,Jane  


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