Mustard Seed Faith
I love to play with watercolors. I have quite the collection, tubes, trays, and several just ordinary packs.... just in case.... but some of my favorites are the $5 ones from Michaels....A friend of mine had sent me a small pill box, and put three different colors of tube watercolor in it. I thought that was the coolest idea. A great way to travel with limited supplies and watercolors. So, when I went to the Dollar store the other day and saw this large pill container, with 3 slots for each of the 7 days, my mind was working as to how I would use it for more colors. As soon as I got home, I opened each day, and pulled the tops off, then added some of the tube watercolors to each little area...this was before it was almost filled.... and when I used all the ones I had out, I still had three spaces left for more colors... LOL....
While all of those colors were out, I started me a new painting.. Inspired by a lesson by Stacha Conboy does the most awesome watercolors and wings on angels... So here she is, still have lots to learn about the process of watercolor, but love trying and practicing...
This one I titled, "Mustard Seed Faith"It is easy to trust God when things are going good. The true strength of our faith is tested during the storms of our lives. That is when what is inside of us is truly revealed. What life does to us depends on what life finds IN us. Faith is a deliberate choice to believe God, to walk through our fears, knowing we trust Him. Knowing our Hope is in Him, all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. Once our faith is planted, it will grow, if we faithfully feed and water it. "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there and it will move'. Nothing will be impossible for you ." Matthew 17:20.Her faith rests in Him alone and she is expecting incredible, amazing results.Linked with Sunday Sketches today a great new week!!love,Jane