"Gather together"
One of my most favorite childhood memories of gatherings was around our dining room table. It wasn`t a very large room. Our table would be extended out as far as the walls would allow and chairs were all fit snugly around the outside of the table. Family, extended family members and friends were all welcomed. Our Daddy always sat at the end of the table and blessed the food before we started our meal. Mother would have worked for hours, cooking assorted casseroles, meat, home made rolls and always a yummy dessert. She always used the Sunday dishes in the dining room, good silver, table cloths and cloth napkins.It was a time of conversation, laughter, joy and always so much love within the walls of our home.The gatherings were many and different occasions but people were always welcomed. Mother and Daddy made you feel loved as you walked through the front door of our home, no matter the gathering.
As we have grown older, those family Thanksgivings have changed with time. Our Mother and Daddy and many who sat around that table of our youth are celebrating with Jesus now. We children have our own families and even grandchildren but Thanksgivings are still a special time to pause and give thanks for all of our blessings.Take time to plan your special gatherings. Love on those who walk through your front door and leave lasting memories for them to talk about for generations to come."We gather together" is a favorite Thanksgiving hymn of mine. Written in 1626 and of Dutch origin, it still speaks truths and I love to sing the words in my mind, just as we did in church so long ago."We gather together to ask the Lord`s blessings. He chastens and hastens His will to make known, the wicked oppressing now cease from distressing, sing praises to His name, He forgets not His own. "Happy Thanksgiving to you!love, Jane