Faces of Grace: Miriam

Faces of Grace: Miriam

In the Bible, we are first introduced to Miriam in her role as a protective sister. Miriam’s childhood in the slave quarters of Egypt was one of fear and uncertainty. She and her three-year-old brother, Aaron, had parents who trusted in the God of Israel. Pharaoh was the ruler of Egypt. It came to his attention that a large number of Hebrew males were being born. He feared that one day the Hebrews would grow to be stronger than the Egyptians. so he sent out a decree that all newborn Hebrew males would be thrown to their deaths in the Nile River. Miriam's mother was pregnant when this new decree was communicated to the Hebrews. 

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Faces of Grace: Rebekah

Faces of Grace: Rebekah

A look back to set the story of Rebekah.Her faith made Sarah able to have a child. Although she was past her childbearing years, she knew that God had made her promises that He would honor. There was no natural way she could possibly conceive a child at her age.Abraham exclaimed, “Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Genesis 17:17)She did — and named him Isaac, which means “laughter.

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Faces of Grace: Rachel

Faces of Grace: Rachel

This story is a continuation of last week's devotion about Leah, except today's devotion, is from the younger sister, Rachel's perspective.  At the beginning of the story…Every afternoon, this young woman watered her flock of sheep at a well near Haran, an outpost of the ancient city of Ur. It is thought she was around 18 years old. At such an age, a girl might be given adult responsibility in a family that did not have sons.Wells were covered with a broad flat stone, too large for one man to move. So the shepherds who gathered there waited until there was a group to move it.

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What are our gifts to lay before the King?
Uncategorized Jane Lazenby Uncategorized Jane Lazenby

What are our gifts to lay before the King?

As I was sitting in my CBS leadership this week, our prayer chairman had the best devotion for us. She has been on a journey these last two years, that few can even imagine, among our group. She lost her husband and was left to raise three children alone. I say alone, but not true at all. She has today, and had with her husband, the assurance of the Lord, leading and guiding her and her family. What faith, what trust.... that is what it is all about after all. She inspires all who hear her each week and this week was no exception.

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Uncategorized Jane Lazenby Uncategorized Jane Lazenby

My sweet Mother

Life has turned to a new normal in our lives. Mother is gone, we have wonderful memories, but life as we knew it with her in our lives, is gone.

Life goes on, as it always does and as God created it to do. Most days, are spent with business, that starts when we get up and end when our heads hit the pillow. Our family is full... we get together often .

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