Welding lessons with Lisa
Uncategorized Jane Lazenby Uncategorized Jane Lazenby

Welding lessons with Lisa

My friend, Lisa, and I see each other each week in our adult art class that I have talked about before. We all share ideas, things we like and things we would like to learn to do one day. Recently, Lisa and I were talking about some really cool iron crosses that we had seen. We discussed that we wanted that to be a summer project for us to find a class to take so we could learn how to weld  a cross of our very own...

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Thankful Jane Lazenby Thankful Jane Lazenby

My Thursdays

I love Thursdays! Thursdays start off early, as I am getting up, getting ready for Community Bible Study. We start at 9:15 as we gather to pray together for the day, for our ladies who will be coming,pray for one another and for any prayer requests that are mentioned. Then the ladies start getting there and our opening begins at 9:30 .We have had some awesome speakers come to share with us during that time. I love to hear our own ladies share and today was special because it was one of "my girls" sharing. I say mine, because I feel like once these precious ladies are in my group, we are connected.

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