I cast my mind to Calvary and transfix my gaze on Him
angels, Canvas art, Sunday sketches, Thankful Jane Lazenby angels, Canvas art, Sunday sketches, Thankful Jane Lazenby

I cast my mind to Calvary and transfix my gaze on Him

Early on in the election process, I was truly amazed at the information that would be on the news. Any one story would have been major news at any other time with any other people, but as the time has drawn closer to the actual election, all bets are off.  Too many things to mention…. Have made me numb to our country as we once knew it.  If we only got information through social media, we would be filled with hate and condemnation for anyone who happens to think differently than we do.

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Uncategorized Jane Lazenby Uncategorized Jane Lazenby

The Great Physician

Recently, I have been humbled and privileged  to  follow some precious people on their faith journeys, as God leads them.  Some of them are people that I have known, others are new friends. I hope that I  have the opportunity to meet these new friends one day, but until then, we may just remain internet friends!. But for whatever reason that God has brought them into my life,  I am most thankful.  

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