"Summer art camps, new book, sweet friends, oh my"
Lately, I have been working overtime in my mind, thinking, dreaming, creating and planning. It all seems so good, so real and so possible in there, in my mind, with my eyes closed. But when I wake up and come back to reality, the same vision is there, then another one and wait, another one and then the question at the end of the visions, "Where to start?"I came across this thought yesterday in "Jesus Calling" When most of your mental energy goes into efforts to figure things out, you are unable to receive this glorious gift, of peace. I look into your mind and see thoughts spinning round and round and going nowhere, accomplishing nothing. All the while, My peace hovers over you, searching for a place to land."Wow.So that led me to thinking, I can`t let those thoughts and visions just stay there in my mind, spinning round and round. There are indeed, many things that I wanted to accomplish this summer, but if I continue to think about them and do nothing, they will get lost and summer will be over!!"Take the first step", I told myself. That is exactly what I did and because of that first step, I have an exciting announcement to make. I have been dreaming about having an art camp for girls and here it is!! I am offering two classes for 8-12 year olds, to start. I have already gotten requests for younger children and for over 40 ladies, lol, and I will keep that in mind. For now, these two classes are not just in my mind but actually happening. I am so in my happy place, as I think about these days with these young girls, as we create and learn together.With only a few short months to enjoy summer, I encourage you to choose a few things you have always wanted to do, but for some reason, it hasn`t happened. Do it! Do them! Make time, write it on your calendar. I don`t mean big "bucket list "things, just little things . Perhaps you think you are not good enough or smart enough or you are swamped and just can`t find the time, or you think it will not make a difference to anyone, do it anyway. You may be surprised at the outcome just as I am!There are also several exciting things coming up in the fall. In October I will be doing a "Saturday art day" at a local art store. More information coming soon.We are still working on my book, and it is really coming to life!!. I can`t wait to share it with you!! The timing is in His hands, and I have realized that was His purpose from the start of this project. A friend told me, "The best way to benefit the project is to slow the process." I want to be sure it is right. I want to be sure it has the exact pieces of art and the exact words for the stories, that need to be in there.Here are the ones who are keeping me on track with my book. "Team JLART"
Now you can see a little of the work going on behind the scenes and who is doing it. I could not possibly be on this journey without these sweet girls who have stepped up to the plate to help me. They saw my vision, even as I was still working on it. They have been patient with me, when I know it must be hard with all the thoughts and rambling that come with me some days. So very thankful for His provision in placing each of them in my path.Thank you for your encouraging words and comments and for your support of my art. I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.I will leave you with a glimpse into my den, LOL.. When the art room is upstairs and you are working down in the den, with things spread out all over the place, the mantel becomes the resting spot at the end of the day, for the projects to rest on.
Happy Happy Summer. Make the most of it and enjoy making memories!!Love, Jane