"To my daughter on her wedding day" Poem
“To my daughter on her wedding day” Poem. How quickly life change, right? This year has brought many changes. My heart has gone out to all of the brides who had been planning their dream wedding and had had to make hard decisions. They have had to make choices to move forward with their wedding plans, knowing the crowds will be limited or postpone their wedding to a later date. As I was thinking about this, my mind went back to a different time. A time before COVID was a part of our everyday lives. A time when my daughter was planning her wedding. I was thrilled for her. I was thrilled for who God had chosen to be her husband and for all the excitement that was ahead for all of us. Our days were packed full of activities, decisions, and places to visit. Amid all the busyness, I could never forget “the dress” quest. Oh, that was a day for the memory books! All the stores we visited, the dresses that she tried on, and finally, that look on her face and the tears that glistened in her eyes, softly falling down her cheeks, when she found THE one. Occasionally during the busyness, I found quiet moments alone when I would think back to my wedding and the special moments that my mother shared with me. I wanted her to have those memories of our time preparing for her big day, in her heart forever. The sentimental part of me wanted to be sure that I did the motherly things, and that I said the right things. Then the question, " Had I taught her enough? Had I prepared her for life as a new wife?" So many thoughts played around in my mind. Thoughts that were not always verbalized but were there waiting to be shared.I wrote many letters and notes in a special book I had gotten for her, to save and read later, but this poem summed up where I was at that sweet season we were in.I shared it with my daughter at the time, and now, I have formatted it to share with others. During this unusual and hard season for brides to be with wedding plans changed and possibly postponed, I hope that this poem will become a special time to reflect on mother and daughter as it is gifted. Here are my thoughts that I shared with my daughter, as I prepared to watch her walk down the aisle to become a bride. YOU, SWEET GIRL, HAVE BROUGHT SUCH JOY TO MY LIFE. FROM THE VERY FIRST MOMENT I HELD YOU AND GLANCED INTO YOUR EYES, I HAVE LOVED YOU. I WATCHED YOU GROW AND LOVED CELEBRATING EACH MILESTONE. I AM SO PROUD TO SEE THE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY YOU HAVE GROWN TO BE. AS YOU BECOME A BRIDE AND YOUR LIFE BEGINS ANEW, I LOOK BACK IN MY MIND AND WONDER HOW IT HAPPENED SO QUICKLY FOR ME AND YOU! THE MEMORIES OF THOSE GROWING UP YEARS, THE UPS AND DOWNS, WILL BE TUGGING AT MY HEART. WHEN I SEE YOU IN YOUR WEDDING GOWN. SO ON THIS, YOUR WEDDING DAY, AND ALWAYS, MAY YOU REMEMBER THAT YOUR WORTH IS NOT JUST IN WHAT YOU DO OR SAY, IT IS A DEEP PART OF YOU. MAY YOU LIVE AND LOVE WITH KINDNESS THAT ABOUNDSAND MAY YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE LOVED SO VERY MUCH, MY DAUGHTER, MY FRIEND. Love, Mom These prints make such special gifts for Mothers to give their daughters on the eve of their wedding. They can be found in my Etsy shop here Happy New Week!!Love,