Pretty in Pink
DIY, Family Jane Lazenby DIY, Family Jane Lazenby

Pretty in Pink

You can tell that I am a bit partial to pink! As I was at a baby shower this weekend in Atlanta for little Brooke Starr, it reminded me of the pink shower we had at my house a while back. I dug into my pictures and found these. It was a great party, celebrating the upcoming birth of my son`s good friend`s first baby girl.

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Dear Gaga
Family Jane Lazenby Family Jane Lazenby

Dear Gaga

Dear Gaga, You would love to see all that is going on at your house. Spring brings new life and that is exactly what is happening at your house. Brent and Lacy are lovingly adding new looks, new style and new life into your house and your would really like it.. The floors, Mother, the wood floors look great. Can you believe that old carpet is gone in there?!

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Family Jane Lazenby Family Jane Lazenby

Happy New Year 2011

2011 has arrived... As I wake up this morning and think about all the resolutions that are being made, it makes me think about true resolutions, ones that count, that need to be made, life changing resolutions that we can make. I came across this prayer in a book by Catherine Marshall that I brought home from Mother`s house, "Light in my Darkest Night".

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Family Jane Lazenby Family Jane Lazenby

New Chapter for the Lazenbys

This past year has been a year of many firsts for our family. We are still adjusting to life without our Gaga and Papa. We still miss them everyday but as we miss them, we remember. We remember all the memories of special events, special trips or get togethers, we remember just being with them and that makes us smile.Today, marks another first.

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My Gaga and me
Family Jane Lazenby Family Jane Lazenby

My Gaga and me

This past year has brought big changes in our lives as I have mentioned on here before. My mother, Gaga, went home to be with the Lord last December, 2011. This Christmas I tried to do something for each child that would be a good reminder, a memory, for them with their Gaga. I found lots of pictures with my daughter, Lara, with Gaga. That wasn`t a hard task to do because she loved her so and they did lots together over the years.

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December 2010
Family Jane Lazenby Family Jane Lazenby

December 2010

As I am sitting here this morning, watching the activities on TV, getting ready for the big celebration tonight for the world, I am drawn back to reality in my own life. Our celebration is a different kind of celebrating. My family is celebrating the lives of two very special people who are not with us as we start this new year. Our Mother, Gaga to many, and our Papa went home to be with the Lord this past year and we miss them terribly.

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Heston Christening
Uncategorized Jane Lazenby Uncategorized Jane Lazenby

Heston Christening

This morning was the big day for Heston. We all got up early to get to Trinity to catch him sitting in the parlor, all smiles with his light-up hammer. He was certainly the center of attention with all the family gathered around smiling down at him. He just looked from one person to the other with his big smile. I think, surely, his cheek muscles must hurt at night from all the smiles he gives away during the day, but I am not complaining! The children`s choir sang as the service started and it made me a little sad to think that in no time, we will be sitting there, listening to him perform as he turns 4. Time flies and I am only too aware of that as I look at him , almost a big 9 month old!!Finally it was his turn to get up in front of the church.

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Family Jane Lazenby Family Jane Lazenby

Trying not to get blogged down by "busyness"

It is my talk to my Bible Study girls each year, not to get so lost in the busy-ness of the seasons to lose focus on what is important.

Each day is a gift that we wake up to. We have to make a decision what to do with it. Do we make it count or just go through the emotions of checking off our list of "things to do" ?

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Happy 1st birthday Heston!
Family Jane Lazenby Family Jane Lazenby

Happy 1st birthday Heston!

We have officially celebrated Heston`s first birthday. It will be hard for Rebecca to top this one in years to come! The decorations were beautiful, the food was great and the company was great!! The entertainment for the day was the famous "cake bashing" and it was pretty funny.

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Family Jane Lazenby Family Jane Lazenby

New Eyes!

Yea!!! The second of my two eye procedures was done this morning. Tom and I had to get to the office at 6:00a.m., which meant we had to leave our house at 5:30, which meant we had to get up at 5:00a.m. !!! I actually woke up at 4, anticipating the alarm going off soon and not wanting to oversleep. We got there, they called us over to sign more papers, then it was my name being called to step on back.

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Merry Christmas 2008
Family, Uncategorized Jane Lazenby Family, Uncategorized Jane Lazenby

Merry Christmas 2008

Christmas has come and almost gone. It was a great day here at our house. We woke up early when Heston decided it was time to get up. After he ate a quick breakfast of cereal and fruit, it was time to check out what Santa had brought at the Lazenbys. Of course, much of the excitement was watching Heston with his new things. He likes to pull at the wrapping and the bows, which we all expected him to do this first Christmas of his. He got a baby laptop so he and his Daddy can do laptop together on the couch. Daddy Tom and Heston got matching Penn shirts that they can wear and be twins. His Daddy says that when they dress alike, they are being the people that we all like to make fun of!! So, I guess that means that they won`t be wearing their shirts at the same time!! Lara got a new camara with a zoom lense, the only thing that she asked for.

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Family, Thankful, Uncategorized Jane Lazenby Family, Thankful, Uncategorized Jane Lazenby

First blog post, December 2008

Well, I finally have started a blog for Gracie and me. Gracie was started about 4 years ago at my kitchen table. It was just a thought that got put on paper and has grown with new designs on my note cards each year. I have tried to move into the computer world with a web site for the note cards,, and I even have an Etsy site for Gracie . The only thing missing in my computer world, was a blog. I have enjoyed reading and keeping up with family and friends on their blogs so now, I can be a part of the blog world for Gracie.

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