A Day at the market with the girls
Early this morning, Lindsey and I headed out toward Atlanta for the Apparel Market. Lindsey had never been to the market before, so we were excited about this road trip today..I made some calling cards for my new employee, Lindsey, to have as we checked in at the market registration table...

Showers of Blessings
Today, we went on a little day trip with part of our family, a few couldn`t come, but Lara was home and got to go with us, Rebecca, Tommy and Heston too. We played a bit, had a picnic, played a bit more then headed back home. It was a quick little outing but we had a fun time together.
We had gone to our old church in Atlanta, Johnson Ferry Baptist, a few years back and heard a great message from our pastor, Bryant Wright... I found this entry I had written back then in an old blog and thought it was worth reposting. God is so good to send reminders to us .... I was touched, as I was sitting there, by what I witnessed. The message was, "Transformed by the power of God". Truly He spoke to me as we were preparing for the sermon, singing the song... "We lift the cross, lift it high, lift it high."
We had gone to our old church in Atlanta, Johnson Ferry Baptist, a few years back and heard a great message from our pastor, Bryant Wright... I found this entry I had written back then in an old blog and thought it was worth reposting. God is so good to send reminders to us .... I was touched, as I was sitting there, by what I witnessed. The message was, "Transformed by the power of God". Truly He spoke to me as we were preparing for the sermon, singing the song... "We lift the cross, lift it high, lift it high."
My Thursdays
I love Thursdays! Thursdays start off early, as I am getting up, getting ready for Community Bible Study. We start at 9:15 as we gather to pray together for the day, for our ladies who will be coming,pray for one another and for any prayer requests that are mentioned. Then the ladies start getting there and our opening begins at 9:30 .We have had some awesome speakers come to share with us during that time. I love to hear our own ladies share and today was special because it was one of "my girls" sharing. I say mine, because I feel like once these precious ladies are in my group, we are connected.
As I am going through some boxes in my garage looking for something the other day, I come across a box that I have brought home from Mother`s house. We have been through most of her things now and I have many boxes filled with her things in my garage and up in the bedroom closet. I know one day I will go through them again but for now, they are just piled up, waiting. Then I come to this particular box, unwrap some tissue paper and come across this old Christmas angel that Mother has had for years, probably since we were little girls. I unwrap her carefully as to not mess her up, and there she is.... just like I remember.

Christmas Music Box
When I was going through Mother`s things, trying to pack up her things, finding new homes for as much as I could, I came across her Christmas music box that she had made. She took ceramics for years and gave us all many beautiful things she made over the years. This particular piece was one of my favorites. It took her weeks to finish it and when she did finish, she was so proud of it.

Happy Birthday, Jesus
This is a funny story that was brought to my mind as I was cleaning out my closet the other day. Way up high on the top shelf, I pulled down a big box. In that box, was a small version of the old record players years ago that played by themselves. They had those big huge records, with the little dots on them that played as it turned around. My great-aunt had one. I loved to listen to it at Christmas time when we would go to her apartment. She was never married, had no children to leave her precious things with, and just had an extended family that helped take care of her. After she died, her record player ended up at our house with a few other things. It stayed wrapped up in the basement for a few years.

Christmas tea Party 2012
Since mother passed away two years ago, I felt like I had lost touch with her friends. I had a connection through her. I knew many of her friends and many more, I just knew the names. She would always tell us stories of her friends and their families and what was going on. With her gone, I lost my line of communication. I wanted to plan a special party for her friends, so we could all get together and celebrate Christmas, celebrate the season and celebrate our friend, our Mother, our grandmother, who is celebrating in Heaven today.

Lace from the past
Today, I was making the big effort that I have been dreading but excited to start.... de-cluttering !!!!My goad is to at least make a small start this summer in taking a few closets and rooms and getting rid of things I do not need anymore. Happy to report that I have already done my closet and half of the upper garage!! Yea ME!!!!As I walked downstairs to get something, the under the stairs closet haunted me.... I hate to open that door because I have so much "STUFF" piled in there.

Christmas in July, for real
My two friends, JoAnne and Lisa, and I have been on a marathon few day of creating. We all love to create and we all agree that it is much more fun to do it with friends. It is more than just working.... we talk, we encourage, we laugh, we plan, we eat, then we talk some more. It is a therapy session at its best form, and we even have the benefit of doing some projects.It is not really clear when exactly this project was planned.... it was sometime during our get together where we were having a jewelry making day! During the course of the day, we thought it would be fun to do some of these compound on wood pictures.

Birthdays are so special, no matter what age you are. It has always been important to me to be sure there is a birthday cake at these birthdays for family and friends... even when the adults do not want one. I always say, "What is a birthday without a cake?!!" But as I am a bit older now, .... my thoughts have varied just a bit. I still love to get the cake for others, but it is not as important for me, personally to have one!! Hard to hear those words coming from my mouth cause I love sweets so much!!!

Afternoon with Heston and the alarm
This afternoon, I went to stay with Heston while his Mommie was at an appointment. It was the first time I had been over to his house since he is in his new room, in his big boy bed. He usually says, very loudly, "I ready to get up" after he wakes up. Today was a bit different.... A soft little voice, says....."can I get up so we can go see Grammie?"!! so I walked over to the sound and looked upstairs to see him.. His response, "Grammie, what are you doing here?!"!!
CBS devotion
A while back, I was asked to give the devotion for my Bible Study group about our
faith journey we were on recently.
We have about 140 people enrolled..... I could never have considered
doing this before our journey we took with our Mother in 2010, but now, going back
over those weeks and months in my mind, I wanted to share it.
Speaking in front of a room full of people is certainly out of my comfort zone,
but it wasn`t about me.
Our Faith Journey from 2010
I have been going through an old blog that I had for years, as I transfer to my new site. I came across this one on my timehop this morning, that I posted 4 years ago.
Ah. the memories. Hard to read some of these words, but always, always, it brings a smile to my heart to think of her with Him today.....
Peach Meringue Pie
When I was growing up, my grandmother would make THE best peach meringue pie. She would roll out her own crust, mix the filing, but.... the best part to look at would be that mile high meringue! It was at least 3 inches high! My Mother could make meringue equal to my grandmothers for sure. But that is where that talent stopped! It is not because I don`t try... but mine starts out pretty then by the time it goes in the oven to brown and sits out a minute, it starts crying and pops all the air out! The good news is that it still tastes good just not quite as pretty!I wanted to share her recipe and maybe if meringue beating is in your list of talents, you can whip up one of these peach pies that looks as good as hers did! Happy Cooking!!
Good friends
Last weekend, we went to Atlanta to stay with some good, good friends, Bill and Vicki. They were such good hosts, we felt like we were in a Bed and Breakfast Inn! Had a great dinner out, home for dessert then talked late into the night. When we got up the next morning, Vicki had put on quite the spread for breakfast! It all looked so pretty and tasted great. As to not hurt her feelings, Tom and I cleaned our plates.

Afternoon with Grammie
Yesterday I picked up my little grandson, Heston, from his daycare, early afternoon, to spend the afternoon with. He was staying with us through dinner and bedtime. It has become our custom, all two times, to stop by the bakery in Homewood and get a treat after I pick him up. Last time we got him a special cookie, this time he spotted Superman cupcakes! So, that was his choice, since he is really into super heroes right now.
Unexpected little gifts
As I reflect on my summer, one hard thing was to say goodbye, once again, to my daughter. Just got her home from Baylor after graduation for a few weeks, then it was time to pack her up again. This time to Knoxville, not quite as far as Waco, Texas, but away from home just the same. I know it was a good thing, a normal thing to do after graduation and I am so very thankful for her job there in Knoxville.
Day trip to Little River Canyon
My son and wife have bought some property near Little River Falls, 5 acres to play on last year. Yesterday they called me early, with my husband out of town, to see if I wanted to ride with them up there to see it for a last minute day trip. Well, I had to think just a minute cause after all, I am still getting over knee surgery. I didn`t want to slow them down on their adventure, so I said I would call him right back. I jumped in the shower and started to get ready after a few minutes of thinking what a nice day it would be, and called to say that I would be there in a few minutes.