My sweet Mother
Life has turned to a new normal in our lives. Mother is gone, we have wonderful memories, but life as we knew it with her in our lives, is gone.
Life goes on, as it always does and as God created it to do. Most days, are spent with business, that starts when we get up and end when our heads hit the pillow. Our family is full... we get together often .

New found wood, new creations
So, I had all of that wood that I came home with this week, just sitting in the garage waiting for me to get inspired... and yesterday , it happened...the inspiration came...I pulled out a book that I had gotten by one of my favorite mixed media artist, Kelly Rae Roberts.
How much of your life do you want God to change?
I read a great devotion this morning about giving God our all to transform. If we only give him half, that is all He has to work with. Really gives me something to think about today.... just how much am I giving Him?
Sunday thoughts
When I would hear someone say it will get easier with time when you lose someone special to you..... I wondered to myself if there was any truth to that..Now, in my life, where I am 1 1/2 years after Mother died, I am determined never to say that to someone who has lost a loved one.... These are not words of comfort..
Christian Boot Camp, part 1
I had a great day today. A day of new friends, new journeys and new understandings of what writing is all about. I had the opportunity to go to a Boot camp for Christian authors.I went wondering if I was qualified to be in a room with authors. After all, I certainly am not what one would consider an "author". But when I got there and started to talk to others there, I realized that there were many people just like me there.
Parables of the Kingdom
We have been studying Matthew in church and today , David was talking about parables and why Jesus used them.He was revealing truth to those who were believing the mysterious.This was evidence of God`s mercyJesus was concealing truth from those who were denying the obviousThis was evidence of God`s judgement.What is the kingdom of Heaven?

Yesterday was a beautiful day with several lessons to be learned for me. I was excited to be having Heston over for the afternoon while his Mom and Dad went to the movies. I had planned several things in my mind to do with him while he was here and after his nap.The nap thing didn`t work out so good. He is now in a big boy bed and can get up and down when he wants to. He yelled down several times... "Is it time to get up yet?" After I said 'Just 3 more minutes" several times in answer to his question..... He says back to me..."IT has been 4 minutes and you didn`t even know!" so... then he has to potty, a while later he says he needs to poop.... then at that point, I am thinking I need to go check things out, so nap time is officially over.!!
The Great Physician
Recently, I have been humbled and privileged to follow some precious people on their faith journeys, as God leads them. Some of them are people that I have known, others are new friends. I hope that I have the opportunity to meet these new friends one day, but until then, we may just remain internet friends!. But for whatever reason that God has brought them into my life, I am most thankful.

Baby Shower favors
I have found some awesome ideas on pinterest for all sorts of things. This particular day, I was looking for ideas for some favors for a baby shower. I found these little shoes and thought they would be perfect. You could do the usual blue or pink, if you know the sex of the baby, but this shower`s theme is woodsie and animals that you would find there. I decided to go with those colors. I found some pink, grey, orange, green and yellow and started cutting out the patterns.

Baby Johnson is on her way
I have been excited to be included in helping with a baby shower for Lisa. Many ideas have been found through pinterest! I have shared a few things that I was working on but now, we have the real things... the pictures from the shower. It was a fun night for all and the baby girl gifts that they got were so cute!! This will be one very loved little princess when she gets here!!

Angels and Friends
I have been working on some paintings using old sheet music for various parts... wings for angels or dresses made out of the music. It is near to my heart as I use these old pages, because they belonged to my Mother. I love to do things that remind me of her. I especially like to use things of hers to bring new life into things Sharing her things, make me feel like I am sharing her, and it makes me feel closer to her in a funny way. The best benefit of using her things or sharing them with others is that it makes me feel happy, gives me joy, to know that she is being thought of and that others can enjoy a part of her.So, with that being said...
Our little redhead turns 4
Four years ago, today, our oldest son and his wife, Tom and Rebecca, became parents, and we became grandparents!! It is the grandest thing , when you enter into this stage in your life, to see your baby holding his brand new baby.
A Mother`s letter to her daughter
I have just found this letter, written 38 years ago, by my sweet Mother.... What great advise that she shared with me...Dear Jane and Tommy, You are starting on a long journey that will last throughout time and eternity if you are true to one another. Marriage is one of the most important events in your life,
Baskets of Silver
I picked up a book yesterday entitled, "Baskets of Silver". I noticed that my Grandmother`s name, Adelyne McMahon, was in the front of it with the date, May 1955. She had read and underlined parts of it with pencil. I have come to realize that you can tell much about a person when you see what types of book they read. I love to find writings that the owner thought important enough to underline this way.The interesting thing for me to see here was a slight window into my Grandmother`s heart.

Grieving comes in unexpected ways
This is a post that I had written in an old blog on January 1, 2013. Thinking of these families today, 3 years later, how their lives have changed so much since then.

Taking a trip down memory lane
I found this entry from an old blog that I had a few years ago. Loved reading the memories written a few years back.
Just recently, we have planned a get together for some childhood friends with Anne and me. Jane and Gail Patterson lived beside us for 6 years and our families became best of friends. From 4th grade until 10th grade, we were either at their house or they were at ours... When their Dad got transferred back to Richmond in 1970 , life went on, but we always stayed in contact. Years came.... life happened.... we girls all married, my Daddy died in July, 1974 and their Daddy died that fall in October, both way too young.... we all had children, watched our children grow and marry and have their own children... then the unthinkable happened.... July, 2010, after our Mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, their Mother had a stroke and died shortly afterwards. In December when Mother passed away, we all were in the same chapter once again...... no parents here on earth with us. We cried over the phone, we grieved with each other and always knew one day we would be able to get together and give those much needed hugs to each other. Well, now... it is just weeks away from that much anticipated get together and we are all excited... thinking about our upcoming trip, lead to yesterday .

Christmas night, 2011
All the time and effort that has been spent getting ready for today, is behind us. Special gifts thought about and gotten together to give to our loved ones, have now been opened. Gifts galore....gathering of family and friends, brunches, lunch, dinner, naps, stress of getting everywhere to see everyone.... it has all come to an end for the year 2011.

Remembering the children and teachers of Sandy Hook
This is an entry that I wrote at the end of 2012. That was when this horror happened. Here is
my account of that time.
As I was sitting in church on Christmas Eve, listening to a group of young children sing, "Away in a manger", my thoughts were going to the children who would not be able to be in church this Christmas Eve, with their families, singing..... they are in Heaven, singing in the presence of the Lord. It was a mixed feeling that I had at that moment. I know they are happy and no more pain, no tears, just plain joy, to be in His presence..... singing Happy Birthday to Jesus.... but tears for the families that were left behind when their loved ones were gunned down by that random act of evil several weeks ago. If you listen to the words of the song, "Bless all the dear children, In Thy tender care And take us to heaven, To live with Thee there" it is a story played out for those 26 children and teachers.. But it left me wanting to do something....

The Blue Robe
It has been 13 months since Mother died. A whole year has passed and then some... There are days when I can go easily without tears, still remembering her but in a good memory way.We have almost finished clearing her house of her things, but the basement still had a section of things left to sort out. As I am over there today going through some Christmas things, some old frames and some old clothes, I pull out this blue fleece, hold it up and realize that it is her robe.

Fathers Day, 2011
As this weekend has come, once again, I think of my sweet Daddy. It has been 37 years since he died, but he is so missed, still... This year has been a hard one. My heart still aches as I rememeber Mother. That loss is so fresh and hard to realize. As we heard the dreaded word, "cancer" last summer, it brought back that day, all those years ago, when we were told that Daddy had cancer.