Jane Lazenby Art at Home for Adults

Jane Lazenby Art at Home for Adults

With the last two weeks of digital kids art coloring pages done,  I wanted to share an activity for adults to work on. Do you have a bit of free time on your hands at the end of the day when your work is done and the children are in bed? Do you want something just for fun that doesn't take much thinking?

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Jane Lazenby Art at Home for Kids, Week 2, Day 4

Jane Lazenby Art at Home for Kids, Week 2, Day 4

As this quarantine continues, my prayer is the same as last week.  I pray it gives you “time” to be still and see Him. I pray it gives you “time” to be with your child while they create this art page while you praise them for their work and I pray it gives you “time” to talk to them about His promises while they read the words.

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Daniel 3, 4- "the fiery Furnace and the Dream"

Daniel 3, 4- "the fiery Furnace and the Dream"

Daniel 3, "Saved from the fiery furnace"

Nebuchadnezzar made an entire statue of gold, representing his reign and authority lasting forever. If anyone refused to worship the image, it was considered not only a religious offense but treason. It was proclaimed that when the people heard the sound of the horn, flute, harp, and lyre, in symphony with all kinds of music, all the people, nations, and languages fell and worshiped the gold image.

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A new decade. stepping into the unknown

A new decade. stepping into the unknown

I don`t think it hit me about the importance of this new year as we were moving toward it until I heard someone say, “Welcome to a new decade”. A new decade? Wow. That sounds massive to me. A  decade. Ten years. What happened to the last decade and how did it go by so quickly? What does this new decade hold for me? The thoughts take me back to what it was like 10 years ago as we were anticipating the upcoming decade. The unknown was about to happen.

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