Ballpoint pen sketches
We went on a trip this week and on the airplane, I only had my sketch pad and a ballpoint pen, and a book. I read for a bit then got the pen out and tried some sketches. It is not nearly as exact and cannot erase wrong lines... but I did like how you can draw and then loosely go back over the lines to correct any imperfections in the shapes.

Distress wood angels
I had a few pieces of furniture made recently and when he delivered them, I had asked if he had any old pieces of wood, to stick in so I could paint on them....So, I have been playing with the pieces he brought me.

A few days with Danielle
Last May, I went to Huntersville, NC for a workshop Donna Downey`s Store with Danielle Donaldson. I love her style of watercolor and since I have not studied watercolor before, I was anxious to learn all I could while there.I have done a few watercolor girls since then but have wondered to other things too. Her brand new book has just come out and I got my pre-ordered one in the mail this week.

My favorite supplies to use
My favorite supplies
sharpie water based white fine tip marker
You can`t always find these, and they are not perfect cause they still clog sometimes
after you have used them for a while, but they are one of the best that I have found.
Was it real?
A few days ago, I wrote about the simple life growing up. As I was closing my thoughts, I asked the question, "Was it real?" "Was it really so?" This perfect , simple childhood of mine in my mind. My heart was saddened for the loss of that innocence, especially for my grandchildren growing up now.
Well, just as He does sometimes, God laid a gift in my hands. I was in my spare bedroom`s closet, looking through old papers and pictures for something particular. (Actually that is becoming a normal game for me these days , to look for something that I want but can`t find!!)

From one middle child to another
Growing up a middle child, I didn`t really feel the middle child syndrome because our little brother was so much younger than us. My middle son, I am sure, would tell you a different story!! He was 4 years younger than his brother and then, the princess was born 8 years later. So, he got a taste of what it was like!!

Acrylic and watercolor play
This week my daughter asked me to help her with some thank you gifts. She had just gotten back from a work trip and wanted to send the ladies a thank you for helping her. So, she was giving me ideas of sayings or designs and mentioned that her favorite quote was by CT Studd... that said.... "Only one life, `twill be past, only what`s done for Christ will last." So, I pulled out a small canvas that I had been working on, finished it up and cut and pasted the words out to put on the front. I finished the picture with mod podge coating and then when it was dry, I applied Dorland wax... I had seen someone else use this process and wanted to try it out.

If it doesn`t bring you JOY, get rid of it
My sister and I talk about getting rid of our clutter all the time.We used to save things for the children in case they wanted it one day. All of our children have grown up and have their own things and their own taste and their own places... they have taken things from our houses over the years that they wanted. Still, the house is over flowing with STUFF.

Pursue being AMAZED
Today we visited my childhood church. My sister and her husband went with Tom and me and we sat with our brother, Bill, who still goes there.We grew up there as a family, Tom and I were married there. It holds lots of memories for us all. That being said, as time has a way of doing, much has changed over the years.They call it a new abbreviated name, Shades, for short.The music has changed. The drop down screen has replaced the hymnals, as it has at many churches.A few familiar faces but many new, which is a reflection of how old we are getting!

My Lara
Just recently we celebrated our daughter`s 26 Birthday. My question is this... where did the time go? Honestly, it seems like yesterday when I found out I was pregnant with her... then, I blinked along the way of life and here we are ......passing right by those sleepness nights when she was a baby, all of the pink bows and lace until she was old enough to tell me she didn`t want to wear them anymore, all those french braids we did as she was sitting on the bathroom sink, , Wee school graduation, first day of school, the middle school wonder years.(WONDER HOW WE MADE IT THROUGH THEM!!) then high school graduation, off to college in Waco, Texas at Baylor University, then 4 years later, another graduation, packed up and moved to Knoxville, Tennessee then Chattanooga, then Cleveland, Tennessee then back home to Birmingham this year and now in an apartment all her own with a big girl job... yes..

Huntersville, North Carolina
Last weekend I went to Huntersville, NC. to Donna Downey`s Studio http://www.donnadowney.com/ for an art retreat.Danielle Donaldson http://danielledonaldson.com/ was there from California to teach her watercolor techniques.I had taken several online classes with her but was excited to see her in person

What are our gifts to lay before the King?
As I was sitting in my CBS leadership this week, our prayer chairman had the best devotion for us. She has been on a journey these last two years, that few can even imagine, among our group. She lost her husband and was left to raise three children alone. I say alone, but not true at all. She has today, and had with her husband, the assurance of the Lord, leading and guiding her and her family. What faith, what trust.... that is what it is all about after all. She inspires all who hear her each week and this week was no exception.

Christmas creations
I have had more fun with this new look that I have found. It started out as an experiment but now, I am finding myself looking for scraps of wood around the house to do another picture on. I had about 8 little square pieces of wood that I had actually gotten from Home Depot one day, in the garbage!! I am not above asking for trash if it is something that I can use.. So, I brought them home, did a few paintings on them last year then tucked the rest of them in a box for later.

Hot Chocolate bar
I have seen a few ideas of hot chocolate bars from Pinterest recently and decided that I wanted to have one in my den. I am a huge lover of all kinds of chocolate so this seemed appropriate for me to have to finish off my decor for the Christmas season. The quest was on to find the right glass containers! I found a few at Hobby Lobby and used a few that I had and came up with enough for my marshmallows, milk chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and candy canes.

Proverbs 31 Mother
I have just been reaquainted with a great little book that I received back in 1995 as a Christmas gift. It is called "Silver Boxes" the Gift of Encouragement by Florence Littauer. If you have not read it, I encourage you to go get you a copy. It will fill your heart and soul with ways to give silver boxes of encouragement to others..One chapter "thought" was talking about how" Mothers do a decent job of raising their children without ever hearing a silver box of praise. The Proverbs 31 mother had children who rose up and called her blessed, and some of us wondered where she found those children."!

The Day our little Brother was born
This is the day, May 24, that will always stand out in my memory for several reasons....... today,our little brother, Billy, as we grew up calling him ... is celebrating ... his birthday!!Let me go back a few years, 1966 to be exact.We were a family of 4. Daddy, Mother, Anne and me. I had always wanted a baby brother or sister. I had always prayed for a baby brother or sister, but not much I could do about it besides pray. Mother and Daddy surprised us one day to say that we were indeed going to be big sisters!! Mother was expecting!!
Christian Boot Camp for authors part 2
Yesterday I went to another Christian Authors Class at Samford, the second one that I had signed up for... This time specializing in writing memiors and children`s books. The second half of the day, after lunch, we meet with Ellen Maze, to tell us how to get our books published. Lots of information, lots of it over my head, but the main part of the day was spent with these sweet Christian ladies, trying to help all the students with their dreams of being published one day. There were lots of smiles, friendly hello`s and lots of encouragement from one to another. There were some new faces, some old faces from last time I was there, but a great feeling to walk into...

Mod podge letters with Heston
My little grandson, Heston , just recently spent the week with us while his Mom and Dad were out of the country. He was sick the first half of the visit so we did a lot of sitting around, watching movies. The second week, he was back to normal, enjoying all that life has to offer! One morning, after the ritual of french toast and apple juice, we did a little art project that I had been telling him about. We cut out pictures from Dollar Store books of his favorite characters. ( We bought three books there, two were school type book with activities but plenty of pictures on the front and back and on the pages to use. The other one was a coloring book with the Green Lantern and friends all through it.) I bought c

Welding lessons with Lisa
My friend, Lisa, and I see each other each week in our adult art class that I have talked about before. We all share ideas, things we like and things we would like to learn to do one day. Recently, Lisa and I were talking about some really cool iron crosses that we had seen. We discussed that we wanted that to be a summer project for us to find a class to take so we could learn how to weld a cross of our very own...

Prayers listed up for Laura Black
My heart has been so heavy lately as I am following a sweet Mother`s caring bridge page about her journey with cancer. Laura Black has had cancer for over 5 years, pregnant when she first found out. It looks like she has been in constant battle with it for all of these years. Her recent diagnosis of it spreading to her lungs, spine and liver has been her platform to cry out to God for a miracle.