"Bits `n Pieces"
I recently gave a devotion to my Bible Study leadership and wanted to share it. It is called "BITS `N PIECES" As I have gotten older, my mind thinks a bit differently about life. Because I have lived way over half of it… I touched on it a bit when I was talking last year about seasons, and how seasons change as we get older and children grow up and move out. But truly now, I think a lot about my purpose and the legacy that I will leave my children and grandchildren, giving something that will outlive me.

Sweet finds
New year, new projects, new goals and new lessons! I guess I will never tire of learning and watching others share their talents!! It makes it so easy to watch as more and more people are sharing with utube videos or classes. I had tried to get a few backgrounds ready for a new project this weekend and already had the canvas pretty well covered. Earlier in the week, as I occasionally do, I go through my clutter stacks and put them somewhere else, trying to organize..

Love through the eyes of a Child
As I was looking through some things a few weeks back, I came across this little book that my older son gave me when he was 8. I tend to save things that the kids made for me, not all of them, but the special ones. With this little book, it took me back to 1985.. Forever ago, right?

I cast my mind to Calvary and transfix my gaze on Him
Early on in the election process, I was truly amazed at the information that would be on the news. Any one story would have been major news at any other time with any other people, but as the time has drawn closer to the actual election, all bets are off. Too many things to mention…. Have made me numb to our country as we once knew it. If we only got information through social media, we would be filled with hate and condemnation for anyone who happens to think differently than we do.