Nature angel
This week I was working on some catch up lessons that I had not done yet . I had wanted to get to this one from Mindy Lacefield called "Permission to play".As I am taking some online classes, I have come to realize that some of mine do not look like the lesson and that is alright.

Fall is here!
As the weather has taken a sudden dip in temperature, it is beginning to feel like fall. Several things happened this weekend to remind me ...My husband, Tom, had gone away with my son and grandson for a Tennessee game, and as I sat down to watch a show last night, I had to smile to myself.

Getting caught up with my lessons
New week, new lessons, new ideas.....busyness is upon us...!! I was excited to have a good part of the day yesterday to be in my little office area with my paints, pencils and papers. I have gotten a little behind in some of my lessons so I wanted to try to get a little caught up. I had been very excited to be taking Juliette Crane`s Happy Painting Class.

My very own War Room
This week I saw the movie, "War Room". I went, not knowing what it was about. I had just heard how good it was. As I was watching and listening to the words, it was as if we were sitting in church. It was that powerful. I loved the story it told. I left the theater, dreaming, that I could have my very own war room.

Ink Play
I have discovered a new artist who I love. She did a guest artist lesson in Mindy Lacefields class Permission to Play. Her name is Consu Tolosa

Doodling on the brain...
This week, I worked on this little sketch and watched her "become".... I never know when I start what direction they will take, but the more I looked at her, the more lines I made until the page was finished with doodling!!

Angels and birds
This week I was doodling with some thoughts and ideas from the new FLOW magazine. It is filled with clip art ideas this time. So fun to look through that magazine and be inspired.